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<abstract>"This report presents the results of one of the environmental studies administered through INTERMAR. Entitled "Environmental Study of Identified Sand Resource Areas: Offshore New Jersey", this program was initiated by Aubrey Consulting, Inc. (ACI) in September 1997 under MMS Contract No. 14-35-01-97-CT-30864. This report was prepared by Applied Coastal Research and Engineering, Inc. (Applied Coastal) in cooperation with Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. (CSA), ACI, and Barry A. Vittor & Associates, Inc. (BVA)." (From report, p. 2)</abstract>
<purpose>Sand resource assessment</purpose>
<origin>Minerals Management Service</origin>
<title>MMS2000-052, New Jersey vibracores (Byrnes, et al, 2000)</title>
<ftname Sync="TRUE">mms2000_052</ftname>
<geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>
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<themekey>grain size</themekey>
<themekey>Minerals Management Service</themekey>
<placekey>Atlantic coast</placekey>
<placekey>East Coast</placekey>
<placekey>New Jersey</placekey>
<placekey>United States</placekey>
<natvform Sync="TRUE">Shapefile</natvform>
<origin>M.R. Byrnes</origin>
<origin>R.M. Hammer</origin>
<origin>B.A. Vittor</origin>
<origin>J.S. Ramsey</origin>
<origin>D.B. Snyder</origin>
<origin>J.D. Wood</origin>
<origin>K.F. Bosma</origin>
<origin>T.D. Thibaut</origin>
<origin>N.W. Phillips</origin>
<pubdate>July 20001</pubdate>
<title>Environmental Survey of Potential Sand Resource Sites: Offshore New Jersey</title>
<sername>OCS Report</sername>
<issue>MMS 2000-052,</issue>
<pubplace>Herndon, VA</pubplace>
<publish>Minerals Management Service, International Activities and Marine Minerals Division (INTERMAR</publish>
<othercit>Volume I: Main Text 380 pp. + Volume II: Appendices 291 pp. (on 1 CD-ROM)</othercit>
<cntper>M.R. Byrnes</cntper>
<cntorg>Applied Coastal Research and Engineering, Inc.</cntorg>
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<resdesc>MMS2000-052, New Jersey vibracores (Byrnes, et al, 2000)</resdesc>
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<distliab>Although this data set has been used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data and/or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of these data or related materials. Trade, firm, or product names and other references to non-USGS products and services are provided for information only and do not constitute endorsement or warranty, express or implied, by the USGS, USDOI, or U.S. Government, as to their suitability, content, usefulnes